Would you buy a used email list from this man?

In my last post, I talked about email lists and my motivation – a good friend and her complaint about the amount of spam trying to persuade her to buy email lists. “I know you are against buying lists, but why?” she said.  I don’t have the amount of time we had at lunch, and…

KQED the last word?

It’s interesting how much I enjoy the programming of NPR and how much I abhor the commercial / process side of what has become a large, impersonal, disconnected corporation. I keep ‘making allowances’ and finding excuses on KQED’s behalf, and then they work extra hard to show that they are totally disconnected. This is my…

KQED The Final Frontier…..

Once again, life shows how good people make the difference. Compare and contrast as the marketing exams used to say….Those of you following the KQED saga will know that I spent most of this year trying to get our local PBS station to pay attention.

Tracks Are Dangerous!!!

I’m a fan of Michael Robertson – I subscribe to his ‘Michael’s Minute’ and admire his drive to break the status quo and agree with many of his articles. Interestingly, as I realize when writing this, I have subscribed to only a few of his companies services and not stuck with them, why is that?

KQED: Non Profit update…..

I decided not, and resolved to grovel if I got a response fro their General Manager….Well, I got something, but not what I was hoping…… Last week a letter arrived stating that they hadn’t heard from me (translation – ‘you haven’t sent any money’), which is patently untrue, I sent a detailed letter.

Advertising in the 21st Century

The latest “ruse” they have employed is to get actors to speak about products as part of the script….Jay Rosen talks in ‘People Formerly Known as the Audience’ about the shift in power and that once control is ceded to ‘the masses’ it cannot be regained…. So compelling ads are not enough – there needs to be some good hook.Also, in the Mac spoof noted above, the company Truenuff included a link along with all the spoof ads.