Amazon Unbox – Copyright really does rule?

I have talked before about Amazon’s Unbox movie download service – primarily about the usabilty of the service at the Amazon end – before…. Once you start to watch the download, it’s available for 24 hours to watch as often as you wish (one niggle, it’s actually 24 hours minus the running time of the movie).

KQED – the tale continues…..

But every time I have the slightest doubts, they manage to reinforce that they are at least as bad, if not worse, as I portray them.After my previous two experiences (documented earlier in this blog), this week I got a letter…. I open the letter.“Dear Mr. Graham BirdOn behalf of all of us at KQED, I want to thank you for your continued support.

Amazon’s Unbox and Tivo

I’m on The Tivo subscriber’s email list and they recently sent out a notification that I could now download from Amazon’s Unbox and have the program show up on my Tivo.Sounded good!… Boy was I wrong!Whilst I have always liked Amazon – and spend a significant amount of money there each year – their new services lack the ease of use and intuitiveness that I have come to love.

All Our Yesterdays – Trade Shows

It was a case of recalling all my past learning and trying to formalize that so that we made the investment worthwhile.In the middle of the planning, I attended macWorld in San Francisco…. I’ll focus on the sins I saw:* I’m a big Tivo fan and TivoToGo has just been announced for the Mac.

When you have a choice……

The email arrives and gives a working alternative, so I have my working product and have used it ever since.My request to the Rbrowser support (it looks like a single individual) and get the most amazing response:”Written by Vendor:U3293 Robert Vasvari at on 15 Nov 2006 13:53:03Sir, you have agreed to the license terms before purchase…. When you bought the license it was explained to you on the confirmation page that SPAM filters often eat the license email, so if you do not get it on the same day, please alert us and we will resend it to you.To request a refund now is against the license terms you have agreed to, and it is grossly unfair, it amounts to an attempt to steal the software.